HP Black 2580 Solvent Print Cartridge
Ink type Original HP solvent ink
Print cartridge type HP 45si Print Cartridge optimized for non-porous printing with built-in intelligence
Resolution Up to 600 dpi (recommended 300 x 300 dpi)
Nozzle count 300
Print swath 12.7 mm (0.5 in)
Throw distance4 Up to 5 mm
Firing voltage 8.7 V
Fire pulse width 1.8 microseconds
Pulse warming Off
Average drop volume 30 pl
Average delivered ink 35 ml (vertical)
Number of electrical interconnect pads 52 + 4 (printhead + Smart card)
Operating conditions 15 to 35° C / 59 to 95° F, 35 to 80% RH
Print cartridge servicing Use lint-free wipe that is either dry or wetted with ethanol or isopropyl alcohol (IPA)
Shipping/storage conditions -20 to 35° C / -4 to 95° F, 20 to 80% RH (if product is below 10° C, a 6-hour warm-up within the
operating temperature is required prior to use)
Altitude: 0 to 5000 meters (0 to 16,404 feet)
Orientation: nozzles up or side
Additional shipping requirements Dangerous goods restrictions; for more information, see the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
at hp.com/go/spsmsds
Ordering information
Product number Product description
B3F58A HP Black 2580 Solvent Print Cartridge
Pulse Warming=off
pulse width =1.8 us
firing Voltage=8.7V
Max Firing Frequency =18 kHZ
No Start-up page
Use dry wipe to clean pen
before capping and storage
intended for single use only